Print on Demand Playbook – Video Course | Astral PDF eBooks

Print on Demand Playbook – Video Course

ATTENTION INTERNET MARKETERS: Ready To Finally Get That Book Published?

“Give Me Sixty Minutes And I’ll Show You How to Turn Your Digital Content Into a High Value Book and DVD”

Find Out How To Use Createspace and Kunaki To Create Hot Selling Physical Products

You’ve come to this page because you want to have your own high value product to sell where ever you go.  You’re probably a….

Speaker with Engagement in Front of Live Audiences…

A Coach with Clients that You Need To Impress In Person…

A Consultant Looking for Ways to Leave Something with Your Prospects other Than Business Cards…

And you’ve already figured out you need to have your own physical book…

Writing and Publishing A Book Takes Time You Don’t Have…

The fact is that most of us know enough to actually sit down and write a book on what we know or what we’re passionate about.

The problem is that most of us don’t have the time to write…

If you’re like most people, you may have thought about writing a book before and then…

You sat down in front of your computer staring at a blank screen saying…do I really want to do this? Do you probably gave up, never to approach it again….

But the market is changing, and now it’s more important than ever that you prove you know what you’re talking about. And there’s still just no better way of doing that than having your own book..

If only you knew how to do it fast, so that it wouldn’t take away from the stuff you already have to do.

Because if you knew that, not only would you have ONE book, but you’d have multiple books available on your subject. And there would be no doubt as to whether you were an expert in your niche. All you’d have to do is point to the books you have available and say….

______, published author.

Self Publishing Done THIS Way is Fast and Profitable

That would say it all, if you could only get going…

There are several ways that you can get your book done quickly, profitably and without taking away from the work you already have to do. This can be done without a ghostwriter, without compromising your standards and with an eye toward building your brand and your business.

Think of what it would be like if you could take the work you’re already doing or that you’ve already done and turn it into a book that you can carry with you anywhere and everywhere. And what if it costs you less than the price of a cheap dinner? Would you be interested? Yes? Great!


The Print on Demand Playbook

Turning Digital Content Into High Value Physical Products

The Print on Demand Playbook Video Training Course

and What You’ll Discover on the Course:

  • Constructing Audio Content
  • Recording Audio Content
  • Editing Audio Content
  • Processing Audio Content
  • Creating Digital Video Content
  • Creating Audio Books
  • Creating Digital Text Content
  • Turning Your Blog Into A Book
  • Transcribing Content
  • Publishing Your Book on Createspace
  • Creating Your Product on Kunaki
  • Selling DVDs on Createspace


FAST-ACTION BONUS #1: Point-By-Point Checklist

Use This Checklist as a Quick Reference As To What You Need to do To Succeed Turning Your Content Into Books and Products

FAST-ACTION BONUS #2: Resource Cheat Sheet

You’ll get access to the Ultimate Guide To Converting Your Content Into Books and Products: Tools, Vendors, Services

So, Is It a Deal?

How Can I Start Creating Products Right Now?
You can grab The Print on Demand Playbook with all bonuses for just $7.00
When you consider all of the ways you can turn this into profit, this is a fantastic deal.

I know you’ll love the Print on Demand Playbook and get use from it month after month.

…and to think, you’re getting all of it for just $7.00.

Please click the Add To Cart button now to get this valuable training and guide Today.
Get Instant Access Right Now! 
Yes! I want instant access to ‘Print on Demand Playbook’ which includes the following:
The main Video Course
FAST-ACTION BONUS#2: Resource Cheat Sheet
Regular Price: $27.00 Today Only: $7.00!





To Your Success,
Darrell Gibbs
P.S. – You’ll discover all the steps, tools and resources to help you finally succeed and get results!

Click the button below to enroll today!

You will also get other FREE Kindle and Self-Publishing Bonuses throughout the course which will be revealed during various modules.